
What you have read so far is just an introduction to the complexities of the Protagonist (ENFJ) personality type. Along the way, you may have muttered to yourself, “Wow, this is so accurate, it’s a little creepy,” or “Finally, someone understands me!” You may have even asked, “How do they know more about me than the people I’m closest to do?”

If you feel understood right now, it’s because you are. Years of research have given us fresh insights into the unique strengths and challenges of Protagonists like you. We understand your creativity, your passion, and your commitment to doing the right thing, but we also understand the dark side of your personality type: the nagging fear that you might not reach your full potential and make the most of your one wild and precious life.

Protagonist (ENFJ) personality
Protagonists’ gifts include idealism, determination, and the ability to envision a better future – but they don’t just want to hear what makes them great. Protagonists are committed to actually using these gifts to serve a greater purpose.

That’s why we’ve made it our mission to help Protagonists like you not only appreciate your gifts but also make the most of them. Learning about your personality type is fascinating, but there’s a deeper purpose to it, too – because self-understanding is what helps you ensure that you’re doing what you were put on this earth to do.

So here’s our question for you, Protagonist: Are you ready to take full advantage of your unique strengths – to unlock your true, exceptional potential? If so, your Premium Profile will give you new insights into your personality, your relationships, your career path, and your life’s mission. This is the journey of a lifetime – and you’ll find everything you need to get started by moving on to the next section.